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In the world of mobile application development, Flutter has gained tremendous popularity due to its ability to create beautiful and efficient cross-platform apps. One remarkable aspect of Flutter is the availability of open-source projects, which allows developers to explore and develop existing solutions.
It continues the story from this article
In this project, the developer has employed the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architectural pattern and utilized the GetX package. MVVM is a design pattern that separates the user interface (View) from the business logic (ViewModel) and the data (Model). This separation allows for a more organized and maintainable codebase.

The following packages have been used in this project:
- carousel_slider
- flutter_launcher_icons
- shared_preferences
- get
- provider
- path_provider
- flutter_email_sender
Some packages have not been used yet. I will include them in the next update, such as replacing them with Firebase Integration for login. I will also add AdMob for Advertising. also, changed some more complex features and registered the application that I have updated on the Play Store. I think the feature that I prioritize the most is printing
In the upcoming section, I will provide an updated version of this code
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