Building a Dual-Column UICollectionView Using SnapKit in Swift

Jerry PM
4 min readOct 14, 2024

Use One CollectionView with Two Different Data

Source: Author

When creating an iOS application that needs to present data in a dynamic and visually structured format, UICollectionView is often the go-to solution. This article will walk you through how to build a simple UICollectionView that displays two sets of data side by side — popular stocks on the left and popular funds on the right. We’ll also use SnapKit for concise Auto Layout management.

Overview of the Project

In this project, we are building a custom CollectionSideController, a UIViewController subclass that contains a UICollectionView. The collection view will present two columns: one for stocks and one for funds. The data is divided into two arrays: popularStocks and popularFunds. These arrays will populate the cells of the collection view.

Project Structure

  • DataArray struct: Stores the stock and fund data.
  • CollectionSideController: The main view controller that manages the collection view and its layout.
  • PopularCell: A custom collection view cell for displaying the data.


